Who We Are
Overseas Pakistan Global Foundation Africa (OPGFA) is a Non-Governmental Organisation with its global head quarter located in Uganda with branches duly registered in all countries of East African Region which works towards the betterment of the society and welfare of the overseas Pakistanis with a broad spectrum to serve local and international issues faced by our beloved country-fellows living away from their motherland. OPGFA is fully established with a network of highly competent and dedicated representatives in various countries around the globe.
We aim at uniting the domestic organizations which are already working for the welfare of natives and Pakistan Nationals living abroad to increase the efficiency and unity and establishing procedures where natives and Pakistan nationals living and working together may benefit equally.
OPGF AFRICA has a strong structure based on hierarchy management which consists of regional president together with competent Chairmen who works hard in hand with the General Secretaries, Treasurers, Information secretaries and joint secretaries and executive members for purposes of effective team work and efficiency
Representatives of OPGFA will also be working as emissaries of Pakistan portraying true picture of Pakistan, its heritage, culture, standards, tourism, trade and what Pakistan is all about by bringing both countries more closer to have excellent relations not only on Government levels but people of both countries ,arms in arms. These activities will indeed benefit both countries and the people. OPGFA is an organization – focused to elevate living standards of all mankind by aiding and using of necessary skills set locally or internationally. Activities like arranging blood camps but not limited to, all around the country is highly essential, as it aids to the requirement of the blood transfusion in needy people irrespective of which country they are from – indeed it is life saving activity.
What We Do
OPGFA as a non profit organization is engaged in capacity building for both natives and Pakistan nationals living abroad through offering competent and specialized skills which is to be utilized for the betterment of the people and to support their families by providing necessary assistance needed. OPGFA has a network of global representations in various countries whose focus is to expand its network to areas where it is difficult for the Governments to reach and offer the assistance needed in timely manner.
We also offer support and motivate Pakistanis living abroad as ambassadors to their homeland to work for the dignity of mankind and to establish good relationship with local communities. We also encourage educational, communal, artistic and trade related activities for wellbeing of Pakistanis living abroad and to support natives as well by introducing and showing them the real picture of Pakistan. We strive hard to encourage, systematize, sustain such actions to persuade the expansion and progression of Pakistani culture. To set up other identical activities in the interest and to support Locals and Pakistani’s together.
OPGFA tends to promote the Pakistani welfare/associations and community organizations which are already working but are restricted to their respective countries to an international platorm and assist the overseas Pakistanis where needed in accordance with the local representatives.
OPGFA is a platform which builds relations and encourages overseas Pakistanis to interact with other Pakistanis living in other countries. This will surely have a positive impact on the bilateral trade and will promote the business between the countries and will help Pakistanis to learn about the different cultures, civilizations around the globe. In the same way it will also promote the Pakistani heritage globally.
Read our completely detailed Manifesto.
Founder's Message
Since it’s inception oversease pakistani’s global foundation africa has grown into multi-discplinery organization. No path is easy that’s why we always concentrated on our team’s capabilities and keep them focused on the essentials. To advance OPGFA as an intensifying unwavering, successful, reliable andprofessional independent consortium aimed to work as bridge between Pakistanis living abroad and Govt of Pakistan as well as establishing global network of Pakistanis living abroad in different parts of world. Which in my opinion is highly important after Covid-19 also to be remain focus on resolving challenges and issues of the economic growth and eudemonia of overseas pakistanis working and/or settled abroad and finally act as a platform to resolve all the challenges encountered by Pakistani’s living abroad.
Our research and development is our strongest part so we keep eyes on upcoming modern trends and market dynamics. We keep our fingers on the pulse of latest innovations around the world. We know our continous Research and development is something that makes us entirely different from others. We have highly educated and experienced people in our organization and at the same time we also have many young, energetic and futuristic brains. As a result of this concentration, we are in the position of being able to recognize needs and important venues where assistance is needed and how best we can provide the assistance.
Founder and President
Overseas Pakistani Global Foundation Africa (OPGFA)

Father of the Nation: Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Mission Statement
OPGFA is a charitable organisation whose main aim is to provide maximum assistance, support and comfort to overseas Pakistani’s by increasing their interactions with the local communities by arranging various charitable, cultural events/exercises and by supporting bilateral trade activities with Pakistan hence improving their welfare.